5 Ways You Can Increase Trust in Your Relationships

both business and personal

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We started sending 10,000 cold emails per day, and scaled a brand new B2B offer to $108k MRR in 90 days. Now, you can have the same system set up (completely done-for-you) inside your own business - WITHOUT going to spam, spending thousands of dollars, or any manual input. Close your next 20 clients easily. We’ll set up the tech, write your scripts, give you the leads, give you the inboxes, and the sending tool - all starting at $500/mo.

Did you know that only about 19% of customers report trusting salespeople? And about HALF of the US population believes that people, in general, aren’t as trustworthy as they used to be?

I am sad, not surprised and also encouraged by how easy it’s about to be for you to start standing out.

Trust Issues GIF by Big Brother


You are outstanding and also the bar is apparently the floor. Let’s take advantage of it.

5 ways you can intentionally start increasing trust in your relationships (both business and personal):

#1. Keep the focus on THEM

Not sure how to tell you this but people generally only care about themselves. A quick way to let your prospect know they can trust you is by not talking about yourself. We know, we know… it does seem like letting them know you also have season tickets and your kids also play baseball would make you fast friends and obviously trustworthy. It could - it’s just a lot safer to leave your interests out of it.

Keep the focus on THEM. In fact, see how many times you can cut out the word “I” in your conversations today!

#2. Use Positive Language

Words matter - like, a lot. It’s human nature to be attracted to positive people. Stay away from profanity, ridicule or gossip. There’s a 50% chance it might not come back to bite you - there’s a 0% chance that it will if you stay away from the negativity all together. We like those odds.

When selling a product or idea, be sure to tell your prospect what they WILL have instead of what they WON’T have.

THINK: “You won’t fail the test” vs. “You can know you aced it.”

#3. Show up with Purpose

The more purposeful you can be - the more loyalty and trust you’re likely to find. If you’ve got a Zoom call scheduled to review someone’s design ideas for their new office… skip starting the call asking about their son’s football game last night you saw on Instagram. You may think you’re building rapport, when really you’re potentially watering down your message and taking away from the professional that you are.

Try to be mindful of everyone’s time - that includes yours.

#4. Use their name

Dale Carnegie said, “a person’s name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

We all love to hear our names! It can get your prospect’s attention, make them feel seen, and leave a lasting positive impression. Practice this skill any and everywhere! Peep the name tag of whoever hands you your coffee today. Use their name when you say thank you and watch them light up.

If you’ve had a tough time remembering names in the past, decide today that you ARE someone who remembers names. Now you’re halfway there.

#5. Listen to Understand NOT to Respond

Be genuinely interested in what your prospect is saying. Try to avoid guiding a convo where you think it needs to go for you to close the deal. Instead, approach each conversation with this mindset: I’m here to see if I can really help this person with what I have to offer. That genuine interest will come across in your tone and body language. Your prospect will leave feeling valued and respected.

If you were not able to help with their specific need, walking away with this positive experience will make them more likely to tell their family and friends about you. Everyone wins!

Trust does not happen all at once. In fact, gaining trust takes WERK, especially in sales (thanks, Mr. Wormwood). 

danny devito matilda GIF

Oh he was sick for that.

Don’t run from the work, though!

We’ll take one of each, please.

Xo, The Salesgirls


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