A Word on Rest

From a Girl Who Does A Lot, To A Girl Who Does A Lot

When I sat down to write this newsletter I had no idea what I wanted to say because truth be told I’m tired. With 2024 coming to a close, I find myself reaching for motivation to get everything done as my inspiration for work is dwindling. 

Then it hit me. I want to talk about valuing rest. 

This might seem boring for a Salesgirl newsletter but I place a high value on rest in my life, especially as a one woman team handling every aspect of her business. I think some of you can relate.

Waking up early to ~rise and grind~ before the workday is simply not a part of my life’s journey anymore and here’s why…

I’ve done a lot of inner work to separate this idea that in order to be successful I have to wake up before the sun rises. I know people will have different opinions about this so if you are one of those girlies who has a whole 5-9 routine before your 9-5 then more power to ya, sis! That is just not a sustainable routine for me. 

I’ve spent a lot of time refining rhythms that honor simple and slow routines. I ease into my mornings and if I feel like my body needs rest then I let it sleep. If I want to work in the afternoon then I don’t force a productive morning work session. This is one of the many joys of being my own boss and a freedom I will never take for granted ever.

As we’re deep into these longer winter months the days are short and take a toll on my productivity. The colder days don’t really scream motivation and inspiration so I’m really gentle with myself, allowing space to rest when I know I need it. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I welcome winter to be winter which goes against everything culture pushes on us during this time of year. 

My body was simply not put on this earth to go! go! go! from October to December with holidays, family time, running a business, pushing to meet year-end goals, spending more time with family, then once all of that is over, mustering up enough energy to reinvent my entire life come January. 



Just look outside, babes. The clouds are gray. There are no leaves on the trees. The sun sets after lunch. Nature is at rest, and so am I. 

If you’re looking for a sign that it’s okay to slow down and let your body hibernate after the stress of the holidays, then I encourage you to find however that might look like for you.   

Sleep in (kids depending🤞), have a slow morning, drink your coffee while it’s still hot, go for a walk after breakfast instead of booking a 6am class, work from the couch, take a nap. I don’t know how slow or rest fits into your lifestyle, but I can probably make a safe bet that you need more of it. 

You’re not going to fall behind because you took a nap on a Monday afternoon. You can still be successful in 2025 if you don’t manifest millions on January 1st. Let’s let winter do its thing and work on reinventing in the spring when nature wakes up and that fresh lease on life hangs in the air. 

I don’t know how this message of valuing rest will resonate with a group of go-gettin’ gals, but here’s a 2025 motto if you’re looking for one to live by: 

Salesgirls need sleep, too. 


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