Business Cards: Chic Power Move or Tiny Trash?

A discussion for the girls

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Question for the girls – what are we doing about business cards these days? 

I’m so curious about this and I know I’m coming to the right audience to find the answer. Salesgirls seem like the exact brand of professionals who would be handing out business cards in pantsuits at Starbucks. 

The thing for me is that they feel completely outdated, but if someone asked and I didn’t have one I would panic – “Oh let me just type my info into your Notes app!” – and I’d end up adding my email address to their grocery list or something. 

I once had business cards made and I think I handed out five out of the 200 I ordered. Mainly because after the fact I realized I had included my home address complete with my apartment number and it felt like giving away Murder Me coupons. 

As much as I want to be a business card girly, I genuinely cannot remember the last time someone gave me a card and I didn’t stick it in my wallet to later use as a vessel for throwing away my gum. Unless you’re handing me a coupon for a free treat, the chances of me keeping that kind of thing are slim.

Having a business card ready for the rare moment it’s inquired does seem chic and professional though, like I really have my sh*t together because I spent $25 at Staples just to feel something.

It might be the chronically online millennial in me, but there’s just not much I can’t find out about someone I met one time with a simple Google search. Honestly, the amount of information I can find knowing only a first name should be studied and then recruited by the CIA for my investigative skills, it’s that impressive. 

I’m currently flying free with no way for potential clients to remember me aside from my glowing personality, but this doesn’t mean I’m against using them again (sans the personal details of my life).

Help me out here. If you have business cards then I’d love to know your success rate. Are you actually receiving follow-ups from gifting these mini bookmarks to strangers?

Business cards – in or out? This is important to me. 

Xo, The Salesgirls


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