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What Costco and your professional development may have in common

and 2 ways to fix it immediately

I decided I wanted to spike my cortisol levels this weekend, so we went to Costco as a family.

Ok, that wasn’t WHY we went but everyone knows you can’t leave a wholesale store on a weekend without it.

I’m surprised the sweet and incredibly patient employee who patrols the exit and cross references your cart with your receipt doesn’t also say “and are you now totally stressed out? Ok awesome, hope the rest of your day is better!”

It’s all part of the experience. Will it stop me from going? No. In fact, I might go next weekend, too.

Costco has built it’s loyal and massive customer base primarily from the better-than-fair prices they offer members on a mega amount of your favorite foods. You can also buy a trampoline or a hot tub? 

The deals are good. 

AND I’ve never been more aware that my family might not actually need 600 ounces of marinara sauce, no matter how good of a deal it is.

Reminder for Costco: Buying more doesn’t mean you’re saving money if you don’t need or use that much of the item. 

Reminder for business: Doing more doesn’t mean you’re getting more or going farther if you’re not implementing and refining.  

It’s so girl math to think that you should buy the caesar salad kit that feeds 12 because you sAvE 3 bucks.

Just like it’s so girl math to think that because you read 59 books a year and buy every online course you get an ad for, you’re making big business moves.

Could it be true? Sure. Is it? Not likely.

2 ways to actually apply what you’re learning and benefit immediately:

#1. Ditch Passive, Chase Active

You can read every blog, watch every video on YouTube and download every opt-in about how to ace a sales call for months until you feel ready to jump in the ring. I don’t have data, but I’d hazard to guess that it will make your sales calls about 2% better, MAX. The reading and watching paired with actually doing sales calls and implementing what you’re learning as you go? Literally unstoppable. (If you wanna test the theory, read our Sales Call Cheat Sheet and then call a prospect. I’m serious.)

#2. Don’t Hit It and Quit It

If you’re thinking, “oh no that could never be me. I TAKE all the courses that I buy.” Good! AND, you can still fall victim to the Costco Curse of thinking you’re good to go in writing website copy because you took that one course that one time. Learn, implement, refine and revisit. Stay focused until you don’t just know something, but you understand it.

Progress is a natural result of staying focused on the process of doing anything.

Thomas Sterner, Author of The Practicing Mind

Am I calling your extensive office library and online course graveyard a waste? Heck no.

Just like you could make spaghetti a few good times with that 600 ounces of marinara sauce from Costco you bought because it was a good deal. But at the end of the day, lots of it will go to waste.

More is not better.

Applied is better.

Understood is better.

Better is better.

Xo, The Salesgirls

If you buy the 97-pack of trail mix you’ll never eat because it saves you $7, you may need to join me at the Free Masterclass hosted by MindHerBusiness:

Goodbye Girl Math, Hello CEO Math

Stop Playing Business and Start Making Money Decisions Like a Boss

Release shame around finances? Stop relying on Girl Math? Feel excited to log into my bank account? Say less.

Tomorrow, February 27th at 1:30pm EST

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