Our Industry Go-To's

a complete list with links

There is one question that hits our inbox more than any other (and it’s not even particularly close). 

What podcast should I listen to if I want to know more about _______?

Where can I find really good resources on _______?

Is there a certain account you follow for advice on ________?

A slightly different variation of the same premise.

You want to know our go-to’s. And we’ve got them.

If we had a Rolodex*, these 14 people and places would be in it and their contact cards would be worn out:

*our gen-z social media coordinator gonna be asking me about this one at the office today

**linked is our favorite place to learn from each of them

***listed in alphabetical order for vintage aesthetic

Got a burning question about a go-to for something that’s not on this list?

Reply and let us know! If we have a recommendation or a go-to for that thing, we’ll send it your way.

Just please don’t say sales. You already know.

Xo, The Salesgirls

How I’m waiting to drop the goods to everyone who replies


or to participate.