Navigating Life’s Big Changes as a Female Entrepreneur

One Step, One Break, and One Unfolded Sock at a Time

I usually come around to offer helpful tricks for writing good copy, but I’m in the middle of a big life change right now so I quite honestly have enough energy to write about what’s in front of me, and currently that’s how I’m staying grounded in a season of transition. 

For context, I just moved to a new city. I’ve lived in Greenville, SC for the past three years and I recently decided to exercise my use of free will and move to Nashville, TN. This is an exciting change for me – I’m really thrilled to be here so I’m not complaining. I just know that I need to stay grounded so I don’t get overwhelmed in the process of settling in. 

This isn’t the first time I’ve managed big life changes or had to keep working while doing it “all”. 

And by law of humankind, it’s highly likely someone else reading this is also going through change, transition, or stress and you’re just trying to keep your head above water while you pass through this season. (Emphasis on “passing through” – we won’t be here forever.)

Everyone handles change differently, but I have few reminders as I find myself here momentarily. Take what works, leave what doesn’t. There’s no right or wrong way to navigate what’s in front of you. 

  • One day at a time. One step at a time. When I’m overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done, I tell myself that the only thing required of me is the next step. Not every task needs to get accomplished in one day, so what’s one thing I can check off my list today? Or go hour by hour. What’s the one task I need to do in this hour? Even if it’s taking a shower. Small steps, one at a time. 

  • Take brain breaks. Whenever I get done with work for the day, I don’t jump into unpacking or organizing. I allow my mind to take a break for an hour and do whatever I want – scroll socials, watch a reality show, take a nap. Personally, I need this time to allow my mind to check out and think about something other than my growing list of to-do’s. 

  • Leave it undone. Ya heard it here first, folks! I’m giving you permission to walk away. If it’s too overwhelming to do the small task, leave it. Let laundry pile up. Don’t make the bed. Leave dishes in the sink. Don’t reply to that email right away. This is your permission to let yourself off the hook from feeling like you have to maintain normalcy when life isn’t normal. If you’re too tired to even think about folding a sock, don’t. Leave it undone, come back to it when you have the energy. It will be okay. 

  • Say no for now. One of the big things about moving was that I have a community here and there’s always something going on in Nashville. The social side of me wants to jump straight in and accept all the invites to hit the town. But I know I’ll overwhelm myself and fall behind on work or stay up too late and not get the rest my body needs. I’m only saying “no for now” to give myself time to settle. Those honky tonks will still be there next week. 

Remember - nothing is forever. This season will come and go. You’ll look back in a few months or years and think, how did I even manage to do all that? Well, for starters, it’s because you’re more capable than you think you are so write that down. 

And lastly, give yourself grace. This might be the first time you’re experiencing whatever it is you’re going through so that means you’re learning as you go – that’s a good thing! It keeps ya on your toes. You’re going to come out on the other side, I promise. Seasons change. Thank GOD.  

Take good care.

Xo, The Salesgirls


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