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- One Mindset Shift That Female Professionals Need to Make
One Mindset Shift That Female Professionals Need to Make
Urgency and Hurry are not the same thing
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sprint everywhere OR crawl everywhere

how bout neither
We’ve been conditioned to believe that these are the two options.
You can live with your hair on fire OR you can rot on the couch.
You’re manic OR you’re a sloth.
🔥 Hot take: Both literally sound terrible and both make you a liability.
It’s time to set the record straight.
There’s a better way to get where you’re going and it’s not by blindly putting your pedal to the metal.
The best way to get where you’re going is by living with a sense of urgency.
Hurry and Urgency are not the same thing.
When you hurry, you're in a state of stress. You’re frazzled. You're more likely to make mistakes and poor decisions. Hurrying lowers your frequency.
If you’re anything like me, it also makes you generally unpleasant to be around, TBH.
Urgency, on the other hand, gives you energy, focus, and drive.
If your child falls off the monkey bars and breaks their arm, you need to urgently get to them but if you hurry, you might make things worse.
The shift of ditching hurry to live with urgency can only be made when you understand that doing things right takes time.
But you know that pursuing the noble cause for your life is better than beating the ETA on your GPS by 2 minutes.
(And that’s saying a lot because what a THRILL.)
Urgency allows you to be present and work towards a greater vision.
Hurry doesn’t allow you to see past lunchtime.
When you commit to daily movement forward with a pep in your step versus a hurried whirlwind of hOT MesS, you will experience something called the Flywheel Effect.
One day, someone will ask you, “How did you get to where you are today?” and you won’t be able to tell them.
Not because you’re gatekeeping. But because you really won’t know.
You just kept going, and the flywheel started to pick up momentum. You got faster and faster until, one day, you flew off and people are asking you how you did it.
Living with urgency is living with purpose and knowing you will arrive.
Brick by brick.
Xo, The Salesgirls