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- The playlist that saved me
The playlist that saved me

Any Peloton girlies here? You're talking to one.
Except yesterday, I simply didn't want to be a Peloton girlie. I wanted to be a couch girlie. A mid-afternoon nap gal.

I didn't get my wish because Macy McNeely, GUIDE Culture's CEO, lives rent free in my head, saying, "I don't do things based on how I feel, I do things based on who I am."
So I peeled myself up, headed to the basement and clicked start on the 30 minute Club Bangers Run with Alex.
Like 6 minutes in (& even that is generous), I thought to myself, “if this music wasn’t so good, I would’ve already quit.”
And it was true. Then, for the remaining 24 minutes of class, I thought about what the “music” of our lives is.
If my team wasn’t full of the best people I know, I would’ve quit already.
If I didn’t love my kids so much, I would’ve quit already.
If I didn’t feel so hot in this outfit, I would’ve quit already.
If I didn’t want to prove that girl from high school wrong so badly, I would’ve quit already.
The kids, the team, the outfit, the deeeep desire to prove something…. It’s all music. It all keeps us going.
And it doesn’t matter if yours is I Wanna Dance with Somebody or Love in This Club (that was mine yesterday)… good "music" will be what gets you through the hardest parts of life and of business.
Now, enough with the deep stuff.
Reply to this email with the workout song that makes you lift a little faster and run a little further.
I'm putting together a playlist and I’ll share the link in Friday’s Social. We aren't stopping when it gets hard, the music is too good.
Xo, The Salesgirls