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The Humor Advantage
why we're on a mission to make work funny again
Cold Email Setup Offer
We started sending 10,000 cold emails per day, and scaled a brand new B2B offer to $108k MRR in 90 days. Now, you can have the same system set up (completely done-for-you) inside your own business - WITHOUT going to spam, spending thousands of dollars, or any manual input. Close your next 20 clients easily. We’ll set up the tech, write your scripts, give you the leads, give you the inboxes, and the sending tool - all starting at $500/mo.
Wedding Crashers
Legally Blonde
Tommy Boy
A conversation in the breakroom with your boss
One of these things is not like the other…
I’m laughing, I’m giggling, I’m happy, I’m safe, I’m free, I’M GONNA PUKE!

That list is made up of 6 things that make us laugh, and 1 thing that probably, definitely does not.
But it doesn’t have to be this way.
This is your official invitation to join me in Making Work Funny Again.
And it’s not just because I love a good laugh (though I most certainly do).
It’s because our workplaces are missing laughter and it’s costing us money, honey.
According to research from MIT, laughter relieves stress and boredom, boosts engagement, and spurs not only creativity and collaboration but also analytic precision and productivity.
And yet, nobody is giggling.

The last man who was actually funny.
Did you know that babies laugh around 400 times a day?
That number PLUMMETS when we turn 35, where we laugh only an estimated 15 times per day.
I’m crying and not in a good way????
If it could BE any worse, the same study found that we laugh significantly less on weekdays than we do on weekends.
If you learn the humor of a people and really control it, you know that you are also in control of nearly everything else."
Work is a wet blanket on a cold night AND FOR WHAT!
You know who wouldn’t stand for this?
Sara Blakely, the founder of SPANX the shape-wear conglomerate that has done a lot for me, personally.
Now I would let Sara lead me around New York City with my eyes blind folded. I trust her an awful lot for someone I’ve never met. So it’s not really a surprise that I would sing her leadership praises.
But what choice do I have when Blakely has built a culture at SPANX that encourages funniness?
I can already hear some of you. “But what if I’m not funny?”
Using humor to your advantage at work isn’t performing a stand-up monologue at the quarterly meeting.
Though, SPANX has been known to take stand-up comedy lessons together as a company. If you can laugh at yourself, you can do absolutely anything.
They also host “Oops Meetings” where the team can openly and without judgement talk about an embarrassing mistake they made recently in business or life.
If you can create a culture where [your employees] are not terrified to fail or make a mistake, then they're going to be highly productive and more innovative.
Embarrassment holds power over us. Just like a mushroom, if left in the dark and moist (don’t unsubscribe I’m sorry) breeding ground of your mind, it grows and consumes. When you bring it to the light, embarrassment loses it’s power.
So you’re telling me that a workforce could have a lighter mood, reduced stress, closer relationships, reduced inhibitions, more happily resolved disagreements, higher probable profit and a greater sense of belonging? Just from a little jokey joke?
Say less.

You can catch us laughing all the way to the bank.
Xo, The Salesgirls