On trusting your own voice...

hearing this ONE word should alert your brain

“As women, we are taught not to trust ourselves, and to believe any voice besides the one that knows us best – ourselves. We are destined to become an amalgamation of what others think we should be: a month, a lawyer, a “lovely” daughter”...this ancient societal framework leaves us with little room to chisel out a self that we define.”

Rachel Cargle, Culture Mag

While I can’t take credit for this quote, I resonate with it deeply. 

One of my least favorite words in the English language is “should.”

Whenever someone tells me they think I should do something, I clock it as a projection of what they want for me based on their own set of standards or beliefs. 

In the process of learning how to trust myself more, I’ve started exchanging, “Is this the right decision?” with, “Does this decision feel true to who I am and want to become?”

And I think this can be applied in business and life. 

Maybe you’re in the midst of trying to decide if you…

want to have kids or one more,

want to quit your 9-5 job and pursue the side hustle full-time, 

can change career paths all together,

want get married or break off the relationship, 

are qualified to chase the lead that feels out of reach,

have what it takes to pursue your true passion. 

Whatever the decision may be for you, I encourage you to remove “should” from the decision-making process.

Quiet the “supposed to” thinking that binds you into a life plan that feels true for everyone else except yourself. 

TLDR? This quote from Pam Beesly (underrated Salesgirl IMO) perfectly sums up what I’m trying to say here:

“It took me so long to do so many important things. It's just hard to accept that I spent so many years being less happy than I could have been. Jim was five feet from my desk, and it took me four years to get to him. Not that I'm a tragic person; I'm really happy now, but it would just make my heart soar if someone out there saw this, and she said to herself, 'Be strong, trust yourself, love yourself and conquer your fears. Just go after what you want and act fast because life just isn't that long.”

Cheering you on,



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