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Did a TV write this?

A subscriber response to yesterday’s newsletter…

Me, immediately upon reading it…
Let me first say, this is subjective and 100% my opinion, based on my own experience and absolutely zero surveys or data.
But somewhere along the line, TV got a bad rep and she didn't deserve it.
We can all picture the stereotypical couch potato. Eating Lay’s and putting their greasy fingers on the remote control. I just gave myself the ick. That’s not what we’re talking about here. In fact, I couldn't BE more against it.
While you read this email, I want you to replace that image with a girlie who has her life together. She's wearing a matching jammie set on a beautiful couch with a cup of tea in an Anthropologie mug as she flips the TV on. She's in control, standing on business.
Because here’s the thing: TV CAN FOR SURE BE A WASTE OF TIME. But it doesn’t have to be.
Here are 3 reasons I think you should be watching television:
#1. The fact of the matter is watching TV relaxes you.
Have you ever heard of "shower thoughts"? We use that term all the time around GC HQ. We call them that because ideas come to us while we're in the shower. Part of what makes showers idea incubators is the same relaxed state that television also induces. The notes app on my phone is absolutely LITTERED with ideas that have come to me during a movie or show. I might act on them or I might not, but coming up with ideas is like a snowball rolling down a hill. Getting it started is the hardest part and once it gets rolling with some momentum… You literally can’t stop it. When you watch TV, expect to have ideas. And keep your phone or a journal handy to jot them down as they come.
#2. You get to live 100 more lives... TV transports us into different worlds.
A lot of times, life can look like this: wake up, get the kids where they need to be, work really hard, pick the kids up, get home, feed everyone, bathe everyone, bedtime, wake up and do it again. Like why is the grocery store sometimes the craziest thing I be doing in a day? Depending on your season of life, that’s sooo common. Which is why taking 1 hour to watch TV can transport you to experience what life is like as the owner of an Inn and single mom to a teen in Stars Hollow (👋🏼 Gilmore Girls). You can experience how cringeworthy corporate America still is through jokes even though you’ve been out of it for 5 years, thank God (👋🏼 The Office). You can experience an epic teenage love story even though you’ve been married for 12 years or single for 15 (👋🏼 A Cinderella Story). What I’m saying is, when done right, adding TV time into your day can actually maximize your 24 hours.
#3. You learn something new.
This is really risqué, but can you believe I watch any documentary I see, whether I’m interested in the subject or not? Documentaries are evidence goldmines. Idk for what yet. But I know there will be something and that’s exactly how I approach them as I watch. I’m looking for one data point, one case study, one story that I will use to support a point I’ll make later. The last documentary I watched was Kelce on Amazon Prime and the one before that was Pumping Iron on Netflix. Get this: even if you don't use anything you learned right away, you might be able to have a better conversation with your Uncle Greg at Thanksgiving because he's a diehard Eagles fan. Your next client might have a love for bodybuilding, and now you can ask her really good questions that make her feel seen.
What to do next: If you LOVE TV so much that it’s a problem, set yourself a limit. If you HATE TV and feel like you’re wasting your time, set yourself a goal. 1 episode before bed, absolutely anything on in the background while you eat lunch (this was the scenario when I saw the mean girls commercial that inspired yesterday’s Social), movie night with the fam, doesn't matter… Set the intention.
If you go into it thinking, “OK, this is a waste of time, there is so much else I could be doing,” your brain is not going to relax or be receptive to new ideas and you will be wasting your time. When you expect to have ideas or learn something new while you watch, your brain will open and the sky is the limit.
turns TV on
Xo, The Salesgirls
I'd love to know what you think. Leave a comment letting me know if you agree or disagree. I'll never hold it against you!
If you need somewhere to start, here are 3 of my favorite Thanksgiving-themed episodes and where you can watch them this week:
Gilmore Girls: Season 3 | Episode 9
Friends: Season 5 | Episode 8
Friday Night Lights: Season 4 | Episode 13