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- You're Wrong About Following Up
You're Wrong About Following Up
How and When You Should Do It
Things women would rather do than follow-up with a prospect:
Think about the weird thing you said at girls night 6 weeks ago
Watch IG stories from a concert where you can hear the person singing
Wonder what your friends from high school think of your business
You are my friend and I love you and those things aren’t making you any money.
Plus they are, quite frankly, way worse than emailing the prospect you haven’t heard from in 2 weeks.
A follow-up is any communication taken after an initial meeting or conversation.
Pretty standard part of business. Normal. Not weird.
So why are follow-ups so controversial? And why do women hate them so much?
“I don’t chase anyone. They come to me.”
“My webinar should do the selling for me.”
“If I have to follow up, my marketing isn’t good enough.”

We tell ourselves the story that following up is intrusive, it bothers people, or we might come off annoying.
Because you are my friend and I love you (again), I can let you know that THINKING that it’s uncomfortable and that you’re being annoying is the very thing that’s going to make you come across as uncomfortable and annoying.
Your actions follow your most dominate thought. Write that down.
Now I offer you this mindset instead: have you ever literally forgotten to get back to someone? I THANK people for following up in 2024!!! Like girls we are BUSY. I appreciate them so much. You’re doing them a favor.
If you don’t want someone to follow up with you, just tell them you aren’t interested in their offer. Voila.

Someone stop me before I make a joke about follow-ups being Fancy. I hope this reference finds the intended audience.
As a consumer, you can’t be mad when someone follows up with you after you ghosted.
And as a Salesgirl, you can’t abandon the prospect until he or she has told you no.
If they say NO, at least you KNOW.
Two Ways to Follow-Up with Prospects Without Feeling Totally Weird:
POV: someone reaches out to you requesting more information... you reply and never hear back...

POV: you’ve had conversations and sent a quote, but never hear back...

You probably did overshare at girls night and shouldn’t have brought up your Grammy’s cousin but everyone else who was there is busy thinking about themselves and don’t even remember what you said.
You can stop thinking about it and go follow-up with your prospects now.
Xo, The Salesgirls