Habit Stacking for Female Entrepreneurs

the one practice that transformed our outputs

If you’re triggered by getting your nails and toes done at different times during the same appointment, you probably love habit stacking. 

You Wasted My Time GIF by Big Brother

I’m leaving here with wet toes idc

James Clear is the habit king. If you want to go down a well-written and brilliant rabbit hole - you can do that here.

No time for that? Me either.

Here’s the habit stacking practice that has changed my life:

Taking one habit and stacking another one on TOP of it to maximize your time. 

This form of stacking is the HOV lane of personal development.

You don’t have to get IN the car. You’re already there. You can just go faster.

car deal with it GIF

You’re adding positive input ONTOP of tasks or habits that you’re already doing.

Some common places to introduce the habit stack?

  • Resetting the kitchen

  • Getting ready for the day

  • Working out

  • Taking the kids to school

  • Drinking your morning coffee

  • Commuting to work

HARDER: I’m going to listen to 30 minutes of a non fiction book each day.

EASIER: I’m going to listen to a non fiction book on my drive to work. 

I, too, enjoy being one of Taylor Swift’s top listeners on Spotify. But I know that there is no positive output without consistent positive input.

Output is your coaching, teaching, managing, writing, parenting.

5 podcasts that are in the queue for our next habit stack:

I don’t know if they’ll all transform my brain… matter of fact, there’s a chance that none of them will.

If you end up with 1 story or 1 statistic or 1 concept you want to Google and learn more about - an hour long podcast or 300-page book was worth it.

Start stackin’.

Xo, The Salesgirls


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